I can’t reach the whole potential market for my products and services on my own so I work with affiliate marketers to help. The way things works is as follows:
I give my affiliates a special tracking link which they can then place on their own websites or in their emails etc. When someone clicks on one of these links, visits my websites and decides to buy one of my products or services, I share the revenue with my affiliate. It’s a win win situation: I get more sales, my affiliates make money simply by using my links.
If you would like to become an affiliate, make some money and help me grow my business then you need to do 3 things.
- Open an account with Clickbank. Clickbank is not actually a bank! It is an internet marketing service that connects products sellers with affiliates. It processes payments, commission payments and works out which affiliate generated a sale. Crucially it asks you where you want your commissions sent to.
As part of this process you will be asked to create a nickname which will be used by Clickbank to track sales you generate.
If you don’t already have a Clickbank account, get one here. - Create a “hoplink”. A hoplink is a simple link that includes two key bits of information: your nickname and my book’s name. The nickname part tells Clickbank that you generated the click. The book name parts tells Clickbank what product you are promoting.
Your hoplink will look like this http://yournickname.qrct1.hop.clickbank.net
yournickname will be your own nickname and qrct1 is the code that tells Clickbank that you are selling my book. (Note that this is qrct followed by numeral one and not ‘L’)
- Use your hoplink to send traffic to my book’s sales page.
There are some rules: you must not spam anyone to drum up sales. If you do, I will ban you from being an affiliate forever. Simple. You also need to make it clear to people clicking the link that you may earn commissions from sales of the book.
One interesting way of using this technique is to create a QR Code that takes people via your affiliate link to my sales page. You can then put this QR Code wherever you like. Perhaps as part of your email signature.
It’s an incredibly easy way to get started.